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Winter Cookies & Candy Gift Tower

Price $178.00
Piece Count 121

Pay with Gift Card Balance or Credit Card

Item Details


Piece count of 121 includes 48 large baked cookies, 20 Chocolate Covered Pretzels by Lucky You plus 39 candy pieces & 24 Recognizing Greatness buttermints.
All our baked cookies are made with 100% butter and no artificial preservatives.

Top Tier: 1 pound of name brand fun-size chocolate bars (approx. 27 pieces including Snickers, Reese's peanut butter cups, Peanut M&M's, MilkyWay, Kit Kat, Almond Joy, Twix, 100 Grand, York Peppermint Patties, M&M's), 12 Jelly Belly packets, 24 Recognizing Greatness buttermints, 20 Chocolate Covered Pretzels by Lucky You

Bottom 2 gallon Ribbon Box:
12 Buttercream Frosted Sugar Cookies, 12 Chocolate Chunk Cookies (with all natural Guittard's chips), and 24 Cranberry White Chocolate Cookies.