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Winter Crunchy, Munchie, Sweet

Price $68.00
Piece Count 79

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*New for cooler Q4 weather* fun size chocolate candy!


Piece count of 79 includes: 27 snacks evenly assorted between savory, healthy & sweet with 1.5 pounds of fun size chocolates (approximately 40 pieces) and a dozen Recognizing Greatness buttermints.

Savory examples: Chex Mix, Cheez-Its, Dot’s Homestyle Pretzels, Popchips, Lucky You
Popcorn plus potato chips or other name brand snacks

Sweet examples: Lucky You Mini Gummi Bears, Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies, Brownie Brittle, Knott's Berry Farm Shortbread Cookies, Kellogg’s Rice Krispy Treats or other name brand snacks. 

Healthy examples: That's It bars, Nature Valley granola bars, Made Good Granola or other name brand snacks.